BA with Major in Theatre - Production
All Production majors must complete the following:
The Arts Core is a series of requirements common to all students pursuing degrees in the Faculty of Arts. We encourage completion of as many of these as possible in the first year:
• 6 hours of English from ENGL 1489-1493 or ENGL 1413 & 1423
• 6 hours in a single language other than English: French, German, Greek, Latin, or Spanish
• 6 hours of Social Science: Economics, Law and Society*, Politics, Sociology, or Women's and Gender Studies*
• 6 hours of Humanities: Art, Classics, Comparative Religion, History, Law and Society*, Philosophy, Music, Women's and Gender Studies* (NB. studio classes in Art and Music do not fulfil this requirement)
• 6 hours of Science: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth and Environmental Science, Engineering, Environmental and Sustainability Studies, Math and Stats, Nutrition, Physics, or Psychology
*Only 6h of LAWS or WGST may be counted for the Arts Core
Production majors must also select 15h from the following list of Theatre Requirements.
THEA 1483 | Introduction to Theatre | 3h |
THEA 2823 | Introduction to Production 1 | 3h |
Plus one of | THEA 2883 Theatre Histories 1 | 3h |
THEA 2893 Theatre Histories 2 | 3h | |
Plus one of | THEA 3883 Modern Drama: Ibsen - WWII | 3h |
THEA 3893 Modern Drama: WWII - Present | 3h | |
Plus one of | THEA 4833 Theatre Ideas 1 | 3h |
THEA 4843 Theatre Ideas 2 | 3h |
Production majors must also select 15h from the following list of Theatre Requirements.
THEA 2833 | Intro to Production 2: Lighting and Sound | 3h |
APSC 1223 | Design 1 (CAD) | 3h |
Plus one of: | ||
ART 2013 | Studio 1 | 3h |
ART 2023 | Studio 2 | 3h |
ART 3013 | Painting 1 | 3h |
ART 3023 | Painting 2 | 3h |
THEA 4613 | Digital Theatre | 3h |
Plus one of: | ||
BUSI 1703 | Introduction to Business | 3h |
MUSI 1013 | Understanding Music for Non-Majors | 3h |
Plus one of: | ||
THEA 2213 | Acting and Performance 1 | 3h |
THEA 2853 | Theatre Movement 1 | 3h |
In addition to their courses, Production majors must acquire at least 18h of Production Credits by participating in one or both of the company’s annual productions.
Six of: THEA PD03 (may be repeated a maximum of 6 times)
Plus 4 of: | ||
ENGL 2183 or 2193 | Shakespeare | 3h |
ENGL 3293 | Renaissance Drama | 3h |
MUSI 1253 | Music and Society | 3h |
THEA 2123 | Theatrical Costumes | 3h |
THEA 2133 | Theatrical Set and Props | 3h |
THEA 2753 | Voice and Speech 1 | 3h |
THEA 2763 | Voice and Speech 2 | 3h |
THEA 2803 | Topics in Film | 3h |
THEA 2853 | Theatre Movement 1 | 3h |
THEA 2863 | Theatre Movement 2 | 3h |
THEA 3043 | Production Design: Past & Present | 3h |
THEA 3133 | Playwriting | 3h |
THEA 3243 | Dramaturgy | 3h |
THEA 3863 | Dance in History and Culture | 3h |
THEA 3973 | Women and Theatre | 3h |
THEA 4613 | Digital Theatre | 3h |
Or any additional course from the Theatre or Production Cores
Plus 30h of General Electives to equal 120h. Please note that Theatre Electives may be selected.