BA with Major in Theatre - Production

All Production majors must complete the following:

Arts Core (30h)

The Arts Core is a series of requirements common to all students pursuing degrees in the Faculty of Arts. We encourage completion of as many of these as possible in the first year:
•    6 hours of English from ENGL 1489-1493 or ENGL 1413 & 1423
•    6 hours in a single language other than English: French, German, Greek, Latin, or Spanish
•    6 hours of Social Science: Economics, Law and Society*, Politics, Sociology, or Women's and Gender Studies*
•    6 hours of Humanities: Art, Classics, Comparative Religion, History, Law and Society*, Philosophy, Music, Women's and Gender Studies* (NB. studio classes in Art and Music do not fulfil this requirement)
•    6 hours of Science: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth and Environmental Science, Engineering, Environmental and Sustainability Studies, Math and Stats, Nutrition, Physics, or Psychology

*Only 6h of LAWS or WGST may be counted for the Arts Core

Theatre Core (15h)

Production majors must also select 15h from the following list of Theatre Requirements.

THEA 1483 Introduction to Theatre 3h
THEA 2823 Introduction to Production 1 3h
Plus one of THEA 2883 Theatre Histories 1 3h
  THEA 2893 Theatre Histories 2 3h
Plus one of THEA 3883 Modern Drama:  Ibsen - WWII 3h
  THEA 3893 Modern Drama: WWII - Present 3h
Plus one of THEA 4833 Theatre Ideas 1 3h
  THEA 4843 Theatre Ideas 2 3h


Production Core (15h)

Production majors must also select 15h from the following list of Theatre Requirements.

THEA 2833 Intro to Production 2: Lighting and Sound 3h
APSC 1223 Design 1 (CAD) 3h
Plus one of:    
ART 2013 Studio 1 3h
ART 2023 Studio 2 3h
ART 3013 Painting 1 3h
ART 3023 Painting 2 3h
THEA 4613 Digital Theatre 3h
Plus one of:    
BUSI 1703 Introduction to Business 3h
MUSI 1013 Understanding Music for Non-Majors 3h
Plus one of:    
THEA 2213 Acting and Performance 1 3h
THEA 2853 Theatre Movement 1 3h


Production Credits (18h)

In addition to their courses, Production majors must acquire at least 18h of Production Credits by participating in one or both of the company’s annual productions.

Six of:    THEA PD03    (may be repeated a maximum of 6 times)

Theatre Electives (12h)
Plus 4 of:
ENGL 2183 or 2193 Shakespeare 3h
ENGL 3293 Renaissance Drama 3h
MUSI 1253 Music and Society 3h
THEA 2123 Theatrical Costumes 3h
THEA 2133 Theatrical Set and Props 3h
THEA 2753 Voice and Speech 1 3h
THEA 2763 Voice and Speech 2 3h
THEA 2803 Topics in Film 3h
THEA 2853 Theatre Movement 1 3h
THEA 2863 Theatre Movement 2 3h
THEA 3043 Production Design: Past & Present 3h
THEA 3133 Playwriting 3h
THEA 3243 Dramaturgy 3h
THEA 3863 Dance in History and Culture 3h
THEA 3973 Women and Theatre 3h
THEA 4613 Digital Theatre 3h

Or any additional course from the Theatre or Production Cores

General Electives (30h)

Plus 30h of General Electives to equal 120h.  Please note that Theatre Electives may be selected.